Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It's really here

I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that today is the Lewis family's last day in "Mayberry". I was going to upload some great pictures of them, but the camera is still at school so...
I haven't even wanted to write anything because it just makes me teary to think about it so, I will keep this short and sweet.

Richard... thank you for being the "logical side" to my husband's crazy side. Thanks for helping Eric get the entertainment center into our house. Thank you for giving my 22 flute players a chair test my first year in Brenham. Thanks for always having a plan b.... for trying mole sauce.... and even for "the laugh".

Aleesa... I don't even know where to start. Thank you for being there when I made my transition from band director to mom. Thanks for ALWAYS loving my girls. Thank you for crying at the Princess breakfast with me. Thank you for the hours talking about everything! Thank you for keeping Leah when she was small. Thank you for skiing the blue with me... for cooking adventures...for painting my toenails. Thank you for introducing me to the "sister mamas" I promise I will try to be brave enough to go without you!! I look forward to us growing old and gray together and watching Food Network and folding our husband's laundry while we gab on the phone!

Matt... my Buster Brown... Thank you for being Leah's best friend. Thank you for your facial expressions... your big hugs. Thanks for always asking for a treat from my treat bucket. Thank you for teaching Leah to toughen up and Thank you for being Bailee's "little brother" (Carly Carly Bai Bai) Thank you for sharing your mommy and daddy with my 2 girls.

Ok... I am going to post this now. Nutria Ville is gaining a wonderful family! See you soon, Lewis folks!

Hope you are well.


Aleesa said...

That made me laugh and cry. Thanks. I love you and your crazy family!! Can't wait until ya'll come camping!

Aleesa said...

Is it sick that I read this again and it still made me cry!! I love you.