Sunday, March 9, 2008

Snow #1

Well, we are Colorado having a wonderful time! I will give you a quick update before I head off to Adventure Park in Glenwood Springs. The car ride was not nearly as horrible as I thought it would be. We had Matt and Aleesa with us so 3 kids total. They watched a lot of movies (which made Bailee a bit sick in the switch backs of Colorado. Thanks Aleesa for helping her when she was losing one of her many McDonald's meals!) We surprised Earl and Carolyn by getting to Montrose 2 days early. In fact, Carolyn was so surprised that she couldn't remember our names. It was awesome. The girls are now with Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Heidi while we are up here enjoying the High School kids. Eric is probably in heaven now-- skiing on the fresh powder and I must admit that I enjoyed my relaxing morning, my shower AND my bath in the jacuzzi tub-- all without someone going "Mooommmma!!!" I do miss the girls, but I am so excited for them because they get to spend time with their "Colorado" family. They will pick up Uncle Aaron today.

Other than car sickness, the only drama was Leah discovering that if you stick your bare hands in the snow and leave it there it really hurts! (Boy, did that bring tears) Leah and Matt did have their moments where they weren't exactly kind to each other, but for the most part, it was good.

Ok, I am outta here! I will try to update soon!
Have a great day!

1 comment:

Shelby said...

I'm so jealous that you are in colorado! We had snow, but it was not nearly as nice. more like frozen pellets of pain.

miss you, love you, have fun!