Tuesday, May 27, 2008

hey hey

Just wanted to drop in and let everyone know (and by everyone I mean all 4 of you that read this blog lol) that we are doing well. We had a really good weekend of Graduation Parties and seeing my family. In fact Eric and I even went and saw the new Indiana Jones movie with my brother. It was really good.

Bailee learned that if you change swimsuits from a 1 piece to a 2 piece when you go swimmiing, you should reapply the sunscreen on the new exposed skin. Her little back and shoulders were a red mess but she still managed to have a great time swimming and spending the night with Veronica.

Leah learned that wasps sting and they hurt! She stuck her hand in a play set at a party and got stung 3 times. Good lesson for us though is that she is not allergic to red wasps.

Gotta go... Bailee has a pool party today, talent show today, and Lewis party. Hope you are well.

1 comment:

Aleesa said...

Now you will have 5 readers with my mom. That made me laugh!