Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Well, it has been a few days so I thought I would drop a line. In other words, I should be doing laundry and... I don't want to.

The girls went to the dentist today. Now most of you may be saying "yuck... getting them to the dentist... i bet that was no fun" However, my girls LOVE the dentist. How could you not? You walk in to a room that is brightly painted and a kids movie is showing. (Jumanji today) There is a Little Tykes kitchen and all sorts of legos and toys. A lady with a big smile and a character decorated shirt asks you to "Come back and play". You then go to another room (without mom) that has toys and video games. Next the above-mentioned lady lets you pick out a toothbrush and brushes your teeth with some funky flavored toothpaste. Then, some man comes in and has a chat with you and then lets you go to this treasure chest of stuff and pick a toy AND stickers. Then, your mommy gets to write a check while you play some more!

I think I would like the dentist too if they catered to me that way. You know... maybe you could come in and have a pedicure while you are waiting. Then they let you go back and sit in a really quite relaxing room and read a book. When you are done, you get to pick something from a treasure chest... new nail polish, gift certificate to Old Navy, Target shopping spree, etc. I think I would go every time! (oh, and at the end, you get a sticker!)

I am hoping that tomorrow or the next day I get a pic or two up from our Poodle Skirt wearing dinner at the 50s diner at the airport. It was really fun.

Hope you are well,


vabaker1 said...

They go to Dr. MaCarty don't they!
SO did I and I always liked going to the dentist.

vabaker1 said...

McCarty I mean