Monday, January 26, 2009


So, here is the conversation Leah and I had the other day:

Leah: Mommy, I want to be a Super Hero!!!!!!!!! when I grow up. (!!!!!! because of the excitement in her voice)
Me: Yes baby... you can be a super hero
Leah: I will be America's Angel for Barrack Obama
Me: Ok... sounds nice.
Leah: But mommy, if I am a super hero to I have to wear underwear outside of my clothes, or can I jut wear the tights?
Me: Whatever you want... you are the super hero.
Leah: Good.

Yep, that's my life...
and I love it!
Hope you are well,

1 comment:

Aleesa said...

What exactly is America's Angel?
Does she fix the economy too?