Friday, October 24, 2008

Girls Night

So Eric is judging this weekend so we had girl's night tonight. It may have been the best one...ever... in the history of Rettig Girl Nights!

First, I had a surprise visitor join us. Hilary Baker was the girls' numero uno babysitter until she went to college. I sent the girls out to the car to get something and she was standing there!

Then we went to CiCi's Pizza... the greatest place in the world! (if you are my children) Not only did we dine on pizza, brownies, and cinnamon rolls... but I let each girl play one 5o cent game-- something I never do. They each won a prize in the little grabbing machine.

Just when you thought the night couldn't get any better... we went and saw HSM 3! (that's high school musical 3 for all you non-troy/gabriella/charpay/etc lovers) The girls loved it and although I hate to admit it, I thought it was pretty cute. We even got popcorn and a drink! (this is a big time treat)

After that, I picked up Drew Hart (who Leah announced as her boyfriend) and he came over to spend the night. We set up blankets on the floor and watched Little Bear's Halloween. Now Leah and Drew are in bed together and Bailee is going to sleep with me. It will be great and I am only hoping I fall asleep before Ms. B starts grinding her teeth.

All in all, a great night. The girls behaved beautifully and new I am hoping that everyone nods off into dreamland so that we can have a great day tomorrow.

Good night to all and hope you are well.


Jana said...

Sounds like a great plan! You all had lots of fun I guess... gives me something to look forward to. Miss seeing you.

Annie Tannie said...

Man! Mike is going to be jealous!

Anonymous said...

You are giving those girls some PRECIOUS MEMORIES!! Good for YOU!! I miss you! We need a nanny date! I love you lots!